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Institutskolloquium des Kunsthistorischen Instituts, FS 2014 Vortragsreihe zum 100-Jahr-Jubiläum des UZH-Hauptgebäudes Vorträge jeweils mittwochs 18:15 bis 20 Uhr, Hauptgebäude, Rämistrasse 71, Raum Kol-F-118
This two-day symposium explores the complex interrelationship between architecture and film from modernity to the present. When: Thursday 13 June 2013, 6pm to Friday 14 June 2013, 6pm Where: Instituto Svizzero di Roma, Via Ludovisi 48, I-00187 Roma, Free entry Simultaneous translation provided for all talks (IT-ENG/ENG-IT).
Sat/Sun, 28./ 29. Sept 2012 at Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich Organized by Nanni Baltzer and Martino Stierli, Institute of Art History UZH At the moment of their going to press, publications irreversibly reach their definite form. At the same time, they also reach an audience. What is frequently forgotten in this process is that printing is preceded by several, sometimes complex steps towards the construction and montage of (visual) meaning. This conference sees these cons- tructions of meaning as montages, and addresses the materials and processes invol- ved before publication. Our focus is on concrete artistic and visual artifacts such as scrapbooks, book mock- ups, and press layouts by artists, authors, and graphic designers. In particular, the conference sheds light on the relationship between the spheres of privacy and publi- city. This aspect has so far received only sparse attention, whereas questions concer- ning the historical genealogy of montage and collage as well their theoretical bases have increasingly been addressed in more recent research.