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Kunsthistorisches Institut

Looking Forward Looking Back. Artistic Itineraries across African and German-Speaking Countries, 1950-1980

16th – 17th December 2021

Institute of Art History

University of Zurich


A Symposium Organised by the International Research Group

MAM – Multiple Artistic Mobilities

Looking Forward Looking Back
The symposium aims to launch international research about itinerant artists
who travelled between various African and German-speaking countries from
the 1950s to the 1970s. It seeks to collate and analyse multiple transcultural
exchanges between artists, institutions and other agents in the field of visual arts
during the period of decolonisation and the Cold War. Looking forward/Looking
back will address research and findings in the format of specific case studies.
It will also discuss the broader theoretical frameworks of archives in a transmodern
global world from art historical, artistic and curatorial perspectives.


We will continue to be alert to changing conditions and government guidance with respect to Covid-19 and as a result, our event may be moved fully online in the unfortunate circumstance we are unable to hold a hybrid event. Please check our website for regular updates and consult the international and national guidelines regarding travel restrictions and conditions of events.


Thursday 16th December—Part 1

Case Studies of Itinerant Transcontinental Encounters

9.00 am                   Coffee and Welcome

9.30 am                   Introduction Bärbel Küster (Zurich)

10.00 – 10.40 am    Lea Nienhoff (Geneva) Cultural Diplomacy and the Arts.
                                Alliances and Affective Relations between Mozambique and
                                East Germany at the End of the 1970s
10.40 – 11.20 am    Iheanyi Onwuegbucha (Princeton/Lagos) The Nsukka
                                Printmaking Workshops

11.20 – 11.30 am    Short Break

11.30 – 12.10 am    Dominicus Makukula (Dar es Salaam) Jean Pruitt’s Nyumba
                                Ya Sanaa Project (NYS-House of Arts)

12.10 – 12.30 am    Open Discussion

12.30 – 2.00 pm      Lunch

2.00 – 2.40 pm        Frank Ugiomoh (Port Harcourt) Ulli Beier and Intersectionality
                                in the Mbari-Club, the Ibadan, Ile-Ife Workshops and the Black
                                Orpheus Journal (via zoom)
2.40 – 3.20 pm        Bea Gassmann de Sousa (London) Dreaming the 2nd
                                ‘African Renaissance’. Kofi Antubam at the Deutsche Afrika
                                Gesellschaft 1960–61

3.20 – 3.30 pm        Short Break

3.30 – 4.10 pm        Aino Moongo (Windhoek/Bayreuth)—Thorsten Schütte
                                (Ludwigsburg) Short intro to ‘Stolen Moments – Namibian
                                Music History Untold’

4.10 – 4.30 pm        Open Discussion

4.30 – 5.00 pm        Refreshments

5.00 pm                   Conversation Christian Kravagna (Vienna)—Berhanu Ashagrie
                                (Vienna/Addis Ababa) Herbert Seiler. Modernism and Art
                                Education in Ethiopia


Friday 17th December—Part 2

Looking/Archives: Matter/Substances

10 – 10.40 am         Conversation Marie-Hélène Gutberlet (Frankfurt/M)—Filipa
                                Cesar (Berlin/Stuttgart) Le Passeur: Cinema as Crossing and
                                the Passages of Cine-Kinship (presence/online)

10.40 – 11.00 am    Coffee

11.00 – 11.40 am    Samuel Okoro (Port Harcourt) Post-Custodial Archives and
                                Inclusivity in History Making. A Case of the UTC in Nigeria
11.40 – 12.20 am    Romuald Tchibozo (Abomey-Calavi) Modern and Contemporary
                                African Art in the Leipzig Museum. Analysis of a Collection

12.20 – 12.45 am   Open Discussion

12.45 – 2.00 pm     Lunch

2.00 – 2.40 pm      Conversation Doreen Mende (Geneva) and Adjoa Armah
                              (London) Resonances from The Black Star. A Film Realised in
                              Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana of 1964 by Joachim Hellwig/DEFA
2.40 – 3.20 pm      Astrid Mania (Hamburg/Berlin) Narratives on Gavin Jantjes.
                              His DAAD Years at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste
                              Hamburg 1970 – 72

3.20 – 4.00 pm      Open Discussion

4.00 – 4.15 pm      Short Break

4.15 – 4.45 pm      Association of Black Art_ists e.V.: ASBA Installation Project
                              as a Matter of Black Archiving (Princela Biyaa, Marny Garcia
                              Mommertz and Fayo Said)

4.45 – 5.00 pm      Refreshments

5.00 – 6.30 pm      Roundtable The Productive Archive. New Epistemic Readings
                              Annette Bhagwati, Iheanyi Onwuegbucha, Doreen Mende,
                              Aino Moongo Moderator Bea Gassmann de Souza

                              Final discussion with all participants


Participation free of charge — hybrid event in presence and/or Zoom
Registration for presence/Zoom is requested by 14th of December 21
Registration: For online attendance click here
                     For attendance in presence contact
Locations:   16th December: UZH Karl Schmid-Strasse 4, KO2-F 152
                     17th December: UZH Häldeliweg 2, HAH-E 11


The attandence in presence at the University is subject to the applicable Covid regulations.
Imprint: MAM – Multiple Artistic Mobilities. Travelling Artists from/to African Countries and European German-Speaking Countries; Institute of Art History, UZH


Weiterführende Informationen

Flyer MAM

Looking Forward Looking Back

A Symposium Organised by

the International Research

Group MAM – Multiple Artistic


Registration for online attendance

Please register HERE for online attendance