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Kunsthistorisches Institut

Lebenslauf / Curriculum Vitae

• Since 2023: Full professor (Ordentliche Professorin), Chair in East Asian Art History at the Institute of Art History, University of Zurich, Switzerland
 • 2023 – 2024: Barbro Klein Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala, Sweden (shortened to one semester due to the new appointment at UZH)  
• 2021 –  2023: Visiting Researcher, International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan  
• 2023: Professor in Japanese Language and Culture (specialization: Art History), Dept. of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden  
• 2020 – 2021: Heidelberg University, Ishibashi Foundation Visiting Professorship in Japanese Art History, Institute for East Asian Art History, Heidelberg, Germany (cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic)  
• 2020 – 2021: Visiting Professor at the Institute for Comparative Culture, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan (web-based due to the Covid-19 pandemic)  
• 2018: Habilitation in Japanese Language and Culture (specialization: Art History), Dept. of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden  
• 2017 – 2023: Associate Professor in Japanese Language and Culture (specialization: Art History), Dept. of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden  
• 2011 – 2017: Assistant Professor (tenured) in Art and Visual Studies of Japan, Leiden Institute for Area Studies, Leiden University, the Netherlands  
• 2011 – 2008: Guest Curator at the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (Stockholm), Museum of Cultural History (Oslo), and Museum of Japanese Art and Technology (Krakow)  
• 2006 – 2008: Research Associate at the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm; and the Clark Center for Japanese Art and Culture in Hanford, USA  
• 1999 – 2008: Curator at the National Museum in Krakow, Poland  
• 2008:    Ph.D. in History of Art, Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan  

• Member of the Young Academy of Sweden (elected for 2019-2024)  
• Member of the the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences’ International Committee (elected for 2020-2023)  
• Member of the College Art Association (CAA) Internationalization Committee (elected 2023).  
• Member of Academia.Net, a network for excellent female researchers run by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) (nominated by the Swedish Research Council and elected in 2022)  
• Expert Grant Reviewer and Rapporteur at the European Commission Research Executive Agency (since 2020)  
• Co-chair of the Science-Policy-Art Lab for New Climate Solutions (collaboration between Stockholm University and Stockholm Environment Institute; since 2022)  
• Expert Grant Reviewer at the Aarhus Institute for Advanced Studies, Denmark (2021)  
• Editorial Board Member: Mutual Images, Stockholm Studies in Media Arts Japan  
• Reviewer: East Asian History Journal, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, Mutual Images, Digital Humanities Quaterly  
• Convenor of the Visual Arts Section of The European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS) for 2012–2017. Chapter: Europe and Japan.  

Prof. Dr. Ewa Machotka's CV (PDF, 223 KB)