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Doreen Mende, curator, writer and theorist, is currently associate professor for curatorial/politics and head of the CCC Research-based Master and PhD-Forum at University of Art and Design, HEAD Genève, in Switzerland. Recent curatorial projects include Hamhung’s Two Orphans for Bauhaus Imaginista at Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow (2018), House of the Cultures of the World (HKW) in Berlin, Paul Klee Zentrum in Bern and SALT in Instanbul (2019(/20); Navigation Beyond Vision at HKW Berlin (2019) and The Navigation Principle at the Dutch Art Institute (2017); The Prisoner Letter at Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, Sharjah Biennial 13 Offsite in Ramallah (2017), KP Brehmer. Real Capital – Production at Raven Row in London (2014); Travelling Communiqué at HKW in Berlin and the Museum for Yugoslav History in Belgrade (2013).
She is principle investigator of Decolonizing Socialism. Entangled Internationalism (2019-2024), funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, that is a trans-disciplinary study towards the liminalities of practices of art, architecture and cybernetics in the context of internationalism questioning GDR's position in the global East from/to the South through a decolonial approach of which the first research study's curatorial iteration is Hidden Labour Across (inter∞note 01) at Kunstverein Leipzig. Mende is author of academic, essayistic and experimental writings on the geopolitics of exhibition-making, internationalism, archival metabolism and visual regimes that have been published in the Oxford Handbook of Communist Visual Cultures, e-flux Journal, MIT Press, Sternberg Press, Koenig Books, spector books, the Jerusalem Quartlery, etc. Mende, who holds a PhD in Visual Cultures from Goldsmiths at University of London, is a member of the European Forum for Advanced Practices. Since 2015, she has been a founding member of the Harun Farocki Institut in Berlin and since 2021, Head of the Research Department at the Dresden State Art Collections (SKD).