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Kunsthistorisches Institut


Vortrag im Rahmen der Grossen Landesaustellung "Welterbe des Mittelalters – 1300 Jahre Klosterinsel Reichenau"

Vortrag "Die vernetzte Insel. Die ottonischen Prachthandschriften des Klosters Reichenau und ihre räumliche Verflechtung" von David Ganz am Mittwoch, 27. Juni, 18:00 Uhr, im Archäologischen Landesmuseum Konstanz.

Link zur Anmeldung

Workshopreihe der Arbeitsgruppe "Ökologien vormoderner Kunst"/"Ecologies of Premodern Art"

Workshop "Eco-Art avant la lettre? The Flabellum of Tournus and its Carolingian Environments" von David Ganz am 13. Juni, 17.00–18.30 Uhr via Zoom.

Link zum Programm

Neu erschienen im Juni 2023

Lydia Lymbourides, Veranstaltungsbericht zur Konferenz Superficies vom Januar 2024, in: Medialität. Historische Perspektiven/Newsletter ZHM Nr. 28, 2024. Link zum Veranstaltungsbericht (PDF, 1 MB)

Simon Breitenmoser, Rezension zu: Ulrich Gerster, Die Zürcher Nelkenmeister, in: Medialität. Historische Perspektiven/Newsletter ZHM Nr. 28, 2024. Link zur Rezension (PDF, 9 MB)

Surfaces are boundaries that mediate our sensory interactions with objects. Surfaces reveal, but they also conceal. In traditional aesthetic discourse, their multiple tactile and visual qualities are often contrasted with depth, and in a pejorative sense, superficiality is opposed to inner virtue and an intellectual understanding of things. This stark opposition between outer surface and inner core is put to the test by multi-layered objects such as books. Here, surfaces abound. Once opened, books in codex format display a multitude of layered skins and textures that are essential for the visual and haptic experience of the object in space and time. Perhaps more than other objects, books tangibly embody the complex relationship between surface and depth, through their composition and spatial structure as multi-layered objects. While the surfaces of sculpture and architecture have recently come to the attention of art historians, the surfacescapes – to use an expression coined by the art historian Jonathan Hay – of books and other multi-layered objects have been far less examined.

The conference aims to take a fresh look at the diversity of surface landscapes in books and other multi-layered objects. From the highly valuable vestments that clothe the exteriors of precious books to the parchment skins of their interiors, all layers are the product of diverse surface treatments. Techniques such as coating, polishing, tooling, and engraving determine the visual and haptic qualities of bindings and pages, and are reflected in their textures and sensory qualities.

Topics of particular interest are:

  • Surfaces and the multi-layered spatiality and temporality of books and related objects.
  • Ornament as surface and surface as ornament.
  • Surface and ground.
  • The textures, multi-materiality, and sensory qualities of surfaces.
  • The preparation of surfaces to receive writing or painting, and the production pro-cesses concerning surfaces.
  • The material traces of use, damage, and reworking that become inscribed into the surfaces of objects.
  • Surfaces and transparency.
  • The rough and the smooth: tactile dimensions of surfaces.
  • Surfaces in relationship to the human body and its skin.
  • Surfaces and the critique of superficiality.

Continue to the program.

Institutskolloquium HS 2023: G AI N or P AI N: Künstliche Intelligenz in der Kunstgeschichte

Das gemeinsam mit dem Fachverein Kunstgeschichte organisierte Institutskolloquium soll einen Raum bieten, um Ideen zur Künstlichen Intelligenz zu besprechen, einem für die Kunstgeschichte weitgehend neuen, aber künftig sicherlich höchst relevanten Thema.

Link zum Programm (PDF, 634 KB)

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Neuerscheinung: Soweit das Auge reicht. Frömmigkeit und Visualität vom Frühmittelalter bis zur Reformation.


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