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Kunsthistorisches Institut

Stephanie Santschi

Stephanie Santschi, Dr.

  • Postdoktorandin
+41 44 634 59 44

Forschungsschwerpunkte / Main Research Interests

Druckgraphik (illustrierte Bücher und Einblattdrucke); Hokusai-Forschung; Transfer künstlerischer Erkenntnisse; Text-Bild-Beziehungen; digitale Kunstgeschichte, v.a. ereignisbasierte Wissensmodellierung sozialer und geographischer Phänomene; Museumswissenschaften

Print culture (illustrated books and single-sheet prints); Hokusai scholarship; artistic knowledge transmission; text-image relationships; digital art history, esp. events-based knowledge modelling of social and geographic phenomena; museum studies

Lehre (2024-2025) / Teaching (2024-2025)

Wissenschaftliche Projekte / Scientific projects

Principal Investigator des Nippon Social Innovators Collaboration (NSIC) 2024 Projekts „Drawing from the Crowd: Citizen Science Platform for Mapping Ukiyo-e Geography“ (8/2024--1/2025), das die Beziehung zwischen historischen Raumdarstellungen und den Realitäten, auf die sie sich beziehen, erforscht.

Projektkoordination für Bilder der Schweiz Online (BSO), Swiss Art Research Infrastructure (SARI), Universität Zürich: digitale Kuration von Daten und Forschungspraktiken (2020—2022). Links: Über das Projekt / BSO Forschungsplattform

Technologische Forschungsassistenz für das vom britischen Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) finanzierte Forschungsprojekt "Late Hokusai: Thought, Technique, Society": Konzipierung und Entwicklung einer semantischen Forschungsplattform. London: The British Museum und SOAS, University of London (10/2016—6/2019)
Links: Über das Projekt / Hokusai ResearchSpace

Principal Investigator of the Nippon Social Innovators Collaboration (NSIC) 2024 project "Drawing from the Crowd:  Citizen Science Platform for Mapping Ukiyo-e Geography." (8/2024—1/2025), which researches the relationship between historical depictions of space and the realities that they refer to.

Project management for Bilder der Schweiz Online (BSO, [Images of Switzerland online]), Swiss Art Research Infrastructure (SARI), University of Zurich: digital curation of data and research practices (2020—2022). 
Links: About the project / BSO research platform

Technical research assistance for the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)-funded research project “Late Hokusai: Thought, Technique, Society”: conceptualisation and development of a semantic research platform. London: The British Museum and SOAS, University of London (10/2016—6/2019).
Links: About the project  / Hokusai ResearchSpace


Visual Vocabularies Within Poetic Microcosms: How Katsushika Hokusai’s Social Embedding Shaped Content and Presentation of the “Ono” and “Ryakuga” Manuals (2023) (unter / under embargo).

Im Rahmen dieses PhD-Projekts erhaltene Stipendien / Scholarships obtained during this PhD project:

  • UZH Travel Scholarship, Japan, Japan. 7/2023.
  • Toshiba Foundation Fellowship, Stanford Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies (IUC), Japan. 6—8/2020.
  • Nippon Foundation Fellowship, Stanford IInter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies (IUC), Japan. 9/2019—6/2020.

Publikationen / Publications

Santschi, Stephanie. “Review of the 125th International ARC Seminar (Dr Ellis Tinios)―Hokusai the Alchemist: an exploration of sources for his book illustration”. Art Research 25: Art Research Center Ritsumeikan, ISSN 2436-5408. 

Santschi, Stephanie. “Hokusai beyond the database: transforming digital archives into a complex collaborative research environment”. Late Hokusai: Society, Thought, Technique, Legacy, edited by Timothy Clark. London: The British Museum (2023): 245-252.

Santschi, Stephanie. “Report on the talk ‘Drawings by Hokusai and His Students at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston’”. SISJAC e-Bulletin, July 2023.

Santschi, Stephanie. “Mapping Late Hokusai Research: Digitizing and Publishing Bilingual Research Data”, Digital Studies / le champ numérique (DSCN) 12:1 (2022).

Santschi, Stephanie, Dominic Oldman and Diana Tanase. “ResearchSpace Case Study on Sequencing Hokusai Print Impressions to Form a Human Curated Network of Knowledge”. International Journal for Digital Art History 4 (2019): 5.29-5.45

Santschi, Stephanie. “Digitally Supported Visualisations of Japanese Archaeology at the British Museum”. EU ワークショップ報告論文集 | 関西大学大学院文学研究科副専攻「EU-日本学」2016年度活動報告書 [EU Workshop Report Papers | Kansai University Graduate School of Letters, EU - Japan Studies, Activity Report for 2016] (2017): 231—250.

Santschi, Stephanie, Rebeca Gomez Morilla, Brigitte Huber. “La collection d’estampes japonaises du Cabinet d’arts graphiques des Musées d’art et d’histoire de Genève | The Japanese Woodcuts in the Collection of Prints and Drawings of the Musées d’art et d’histoire in Geneva”. Le geste suspendu. Estampes Kabuki du Cabinet d'arts graphiques, edited by Christian Rümelin. Cologne: Wienand (2014): 122-132.

Santschi, Stephanie. “Entdeckerlust, faszinierende Holzschnitte und Japan sammeln [Essay on the history of the Völkerkundesammlung Burgdorf]”. Burgdorfer Jahrbuch 2015. Burgdorf: Verein Burgdorfer Jahrbuch (2014): 105-112.

Vorträge / Presentations

  • 21/02/2025. Project report: "Drawing from the Crowd: A Citizen Science Platform for Mapping Ukiyo-e Geography / 集合知を描く: 市民科学浮世絵マッピングプラットフォーム," Ritsumeikan ARC: FY2024 Annual Report Meeting 立命館ARC「2024年度成果報告会」, Ritsumeikan University Art Research Center, Kyoto (JP) [zoom].  
  • 21/01/2025. 「Drawing from the Crowd: A Citizen Science Platform for Mapping Ukiyo-e Geography/集合知を描く: 市民科学浮世絵マッピングプラットフォーム」, 9th Digital Humanities Research Meeting “Ukiyo-e, Citizen Science, and DH 第9回 DH研究会「浮世絵、市民科学、DH」Hibiya Library and Museum Seminar Room 日比谷図書文化館 セミナールーム Tokyo (JP).
  • 20/01/2025.  “Citizen Science Webinar on Localizing Japanese Ukiyo-e Landscapes,” The Nippon Foundation Scholars Association, The Nippon Foundation, Tokyo (JP). 
  • 12/07/2024. "Viewed at a distance: geography in ukiyo-e prints", Charting the European D-SEA: Digital Scholarship in East Asian Studies Conference, Max Planck / Staatsbibliothek Berlin. 
  • 08/05/2024. "Hokusais Eurasien: Vor- und Darstellungen von China, Indien und darüber hinaus", Zehnte Nachwuchstagung der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft Mittlerer Osten und Islamische Kulturen, Basel. 
  • 25/11/2023. “Hokusai as an author-illustrator? Application of the Visual Language Established among Hokusai's Poetic Social Context as a Didactic Tool / 戯作者兼絵師としての北斎?――北斎が詩的社会的文脈で確立した視覚言語の教訓への応用”, 28th International Ukiyo-e Society Autumn Conference, Yokohama (JP).
  • 2/7/2023. “Visual Vocabularies Within Poetic Microcosms”, Asian Studies Conference Japan, Sofia University, Tokyo (JP)
  • 23/6/2022. “Zwischen Projekt- und globalem Thesaurus: Konzepterschliessung und -verknüpfung im Rahmen der Initiative ‘Bilder der Schweiz Online’ bei Swiss Art Research Infrastructure SARI”, 5. Schweizerischer Kongress für Kunstgeschichte, with Sarah Amsler, UZH.
  • 29/1/2021. “Strategien zur Projektentwicklung in den Digital Humanities” and“Visuelle Daten im semantischen Raum (BSO)”, Open Space des Arbeitskreises Digitale Kunstgeschichte (virtuell).
  • 8/12/2020. Project Overview: Bilder der Schweiz Online, SARI/BSOxTime Machine Open Day (virtuell).
  • 8/7/2019. “Expectations and reality: developing an English/Japanese semantic web environment for the Late Hokusai research project”, ADHO workshop: Towards Multilingualism in Digital Humanities: Achievements, Failures and Good Practices in DH Projects with Non-Latin Scripts. Digital Humanities 2019, Utrecht (NL).
  • 7/6/2019. “Collaborating in Late Hokusai ResearchSpace: big data and individual contributions”, Panel: Quid pro quo: linked data in art history research. Fourth Swiss Congress of Art History, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Mendrisio.
  • 27/2/2019. “Progress report on the knowledge base of the Late Hokusai research project「北斎後期研究プロジェクトの知識ベースに関する進捗報告」”, Digital Archive Industry-Academia-Government Forum. National Diet Library: Hibiya Convention Hall, Tokyo (JP), 27/2/2019.
  • 11/9/2018. “Challenges of building a multilingual web resource on Hokusai「北斎に関する多言語データリソースの構築にあたっての課題」”, (G)localizing Japanese Studies Resources (グ)ローカル化する日本資料.The 29th EAJRS Conference, Centre for Asian Studies, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (LT).
  • 20/8/2018. “Building the arguments around the production of Katsushika Hokusai’s single sheet impressions”,Workshop: Data Science for Digital Art History: tackling big data: challenges, algorithms, and systems.Knowledge Data Discovery KDD SIGG London (UK).
  • 18 und 20/4/2018. “The Late Hokusai knowledge graph on ResearchSpace”, Late Hokusai research workshops. Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Washington D.C. (USA); and Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (USA).
  • 25/8/2017. “Visualising Prehistory”, Second Conference of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology (EAAAA), UZH.
  • 28/7/2017. “Late Hokusai: Using Knowledge Representation for Community Collaboration”, Symposium: Building Cultural Heritage Knowledge. The British Museum, London (UK).
  • 20 and 25/11/2016. “ResearchSpace and the Semantic Web”, Late Hokusai Research Forum. Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto (JP); and Gakushuin University, Tokyo (JP).
  • 5/11/2016. “Digitally Supported Visualisations of Japanese Archaeology at the British Museum”, EU-Japan Research Workshop, UZH.
  • 29/3/2016. “Challenges of Digitizing William Gowland at the British Museum”, Symposium: Japanese Cultural Assets and Digitalization. Centre Européen d'Etudes Japonaises d'Alsace (CEEJA), Colmar (F).
  • 20/9/2014. “William Kuprecht - Understanding the Foreign(er): A Swiss textile printing expert in Kyoto 1902-1909”,Kansai University EU-Japan Workshop, Osaka (JP),
  • 07 and 8/3/2013. “Capturing the Moment Over Three Hundred Years: The Rieder Collection of Japanese Woodblock Prints” and “The Burgdorf Völkerkunde Museum and the KGOA Project” (collaborative), Symposium ‘Moving Art between East Asia and the West’, UZH.

Mitgliedschaften / Memberships

  • Member (2017-): European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists (EAJRS)
  • Member (2019-): Swiss-Kansai Student Exchange Program Alumni Society in Switzerland
  • Member (2021-): Nippon Foundation Scholars Association (Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation and Nippon Foundation Alumni Groups)          
  • Member (2023-): Kokusai Ukiyo-e Gakkai 国際浮世絵学会 (International Ukiyo-e Society)
  • President (2024-) and Member (2010-) for the Kizuna network of Japan exchange alumni in Switzerland
  • Member (2025-): European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology (EAAA)

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Universität Zürich
Kunsthistorisches Institut
Abteilung Kunstgeschichte Ostasiens
Rämistrasse 73 
8006 Zürich


Büro: RAA-G-05 (2. OG)
Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zürich 


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