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As a SNSF-professor (Swiss National Science Foundation) I direct the research project «Contested Amnesia and Dissonant Narratives in the Global South. Post-Conflict in Literature, Art, and Emergent Archives» at the University of Zurich. Previously, I held visiting positions at Harvard University, Columbia University, and Technische Universität Dresden. After graduating in philosophy and architecture in Berlin, I received my PhD in Latin American literatures and cultures at the Freie Universität Berlin. In 2016, I received the Habilitation for Ibero-Romance literature and cultural analysis at the University of Zurich. My research fields are comparative literatures and cultures, art history in the global context, literary, cultural and media theory, visual cultures, theories of the archive, arts/literature and law, and histories of the Anthropocene.
I am currently the co-chair of the Visual Culture Studies Section of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), the graduate program director of Cultural Analysis at the University of Zurich, and affiliated researcher at the Orient Institute Beirut in Lebanon.
Since 2017: SNF-Research project «Contested Amnesia and Dissonant Narratives in the Global South: Post-conflict in Literature, Art, and Emergent Archives», Romanisches Seminar and Kunsthistorisches Institut, University of Zurich
2011-2017: Assistant Professor, Institut für Romanistik, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Summer/Fall 2016: Visiting Professor for History, Escuela de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia
2013-2016: Visiting Scholar at the Department of Romance Languages & Literatures and Department of the History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University
2013: Visiting Professor (Vertretungsprofessur) for Literatures and Cultures (Spain/Latin America) at the Technische Universität Dresden
2007-2010: Visiting Scholar, Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race, and Postdoctoral Visiting Scholar at the ILAS, Institute of Latin American Studies, Columbia University, New York
2005-2006: Visiting Scholar at the CLACS, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, New York University
2018: Autumn Workshop «Remains, Ruins, Landscapes», Universität Zürich, Romanisches Seminar, with Prof. Dr. Stephenie Young, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Salem State University, Massachusetts
2018: International Conference «Performing Human Rights: Contested Amnesia and Historical Justice in Latin America and the Middle East», Universität Zürich, Romanisches Seminar, Lateinamerikazentrum-Zürich, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Bettina Dennerlein, Asien-Orient-Institut
2018: LASA Visual Culture Section Workshop «Liquid Ecologies in the Arts: Fluidities and Counterflows in Latin America and the Caribbean», with Dr. Lisa Blackmore, Universitat de Barcelona
2017: International Conference «AMERICA LATINA Contamination / Contagion / Symptom», Universität Zürich, Romanisches Seminar, Lateinamerikazentrum-Zürich, Zentrum Künste und Kulturtheorie Zürich, with Prof. Dr. Eduardo Jorge de Oliveira
2017: Workshop Telling Stories: Filmmaking and Academic Research with Dr. Lisa Blackmore, Visual Culture Studies Section, International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Lima, Peru
2017: Panel Liquid Ecologies in the Arts with Lisa Blackmore, International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Lima, Peru
2015: Workshop Revelando el pasado. La fotografía como fuente histórica with Prof. Dr. Sven Schuster, Escuela de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia
2015: Panel Contamination: Materiality and Cultural Metaphor. Emergent Theoretical Perspectives in Caribbean Literatures and Cultures, International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico
2014: International Conference Materiality and Cultural Transfer. Epistemic Entanglements in Global Knowledge Production, Technische Universität Dresden and Sächsische Landesbibliothek, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
2012: Panel The Aesthetic, the Ethical, the Political. Narratives of (Dis)Possession and Cultural Practices in Latin American Independence, International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Francisco
2010: Panel Lo Ético, lo estético, lo político. Procesos de (post)independencia y dinámicas culturales emergentes en el Caribe with Prof. Dr. Jairo Moreno, 2nd International Conference on Caribbean Studies, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
2009: Panel Transatlantische Perspektiven in der Romanistik: Das kulturelle Feld in der Karibik with Prof. Dr. Gesine Müller, 31st Romanistentag, Bonn
2009: International Conference The Sacred in the Modern Metropolis with Prof. Dr. Walter van Herck, University Center Saint Ignatius, University of Antwerp
2008: Panel Memoria cultural y procesos de formación de nación en Colombia with Dr. Sarah de Mojica, VIII JALLA, Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana, Santiago de Chile
2019: «Contested Landscapes, Emergent Archives”, Orient-Institut Beirut, Lebanon, in cooperation with EUME, American University Beirut and Transregional Academy
Monographs and Edited Books
Papers in Edited Books and Journals
Gómez, Liliana, «Investigative Aesthetics: The Archive and the Courtroom», in: Gómez, Liliana (ed.). Performing Human Rights. Contested Amnesia and Aesthetic Practices in the Global South. Diaphanes, Zurich (forthcoming 2020).
Gómez, Liliana, «Acts of Remaining: Liquid Ecologies and Memory Work in Contemporary Art Interventions», in: Gómez, Liliana, and Lisa Blackmore (eds.), Liquid Ecologies in Latin American and Caribbean Arts. Routledge, London/New York (forthcoming 2020).
Gómez, Liliana, «Die Archive der Operation Condor. Die Arbeit am kollektiven Gedächtnis», in: Sasse, Sylvia, and Kata Kraznahorkai (eds.), Artists & Agents. Performancekunst und Geheimdienste. Spector Books, 2019, Leipzig: 588-603.
Gómez, Liliana, «Residuos del archivo y el conflicto de las bananeras en Colombia: Figuraciones de violencia y contra-memoria en la literatura y la fotografía», in: Gómez, Liliana, and Isabel Exner (eds.), Dossier «Estéticas sucias y cultura-basura. Repensar desechos, residuos y contaminación en las formaciones culturales de América Latina». Iberoamericana. América Latina - España – Portugal, Vol. 19, No. 72, 2019: 81-103.
Hamilton, Dell, and Liliana Gómez, «Blues/Blank/Black: Performance Art as Gesture, Color, Repetition, Archive”, in: Gómez, Liliana, and Isabel Exner (eds.), Dossier «Estéticas sucias y cultura-basura. Repensar desechos, residuos y contaminación en las formaciones culturales de América Latina». Iberoamericana. América Latina - España – Portugal, Vol. 19, No. 72, 2019: 105-116.
Gómez, Liliana, «La masacre de las bananeras: la imagen fotográfica y la literatura», in: Schuster, Sven, and Oscar Daniel Hernández Quiñones (eds.), Imaginando América Latina. Historia y cultura visual, siglos XIX-XXI, Editorial de la Universidad del Rosario, 2017, Bogotá: 23-57.
Gómez, Liliana, «Re-presenting and Narrating Labor. Coolie Migration in the Caribbean», in: Müller, Gesine, and Michael Zeuske, Ulrike Lindner, Sabine Damir-Geilsdorf (eds.), Forms of Bonded Labor. Conceptual Approaches Towards a New Comparative Research Framework. Transcript (Global Studies), 2016, Bielefeld: 191-217.
Gómez, Liliana, «Epilogue. Archive Matters». Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Tel Aviv, 2015, Vol. 26, No. 2: 95-103.
Gómez, Liliana, «Towards a History through Photography. An Introduction». Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Tel Aviv, 2015, Vol. 26, No. 2: 7-16.
Gómez, Liliana, „Kommentar,“ in: Exner, Isabel, and Gudrun Rath (eds.), Reader Lateinamerikanische Kulturtheorien, Konstanz University Press Fink-Verlag, 2015, Konstanz/München: 299-306.
Gómez, Liliana, «Die Box als Sammlerschrank», in: Ammon, Sabine, and Eva Froschauer et al. (eds.), Humboldt-Box, Transcript, 2014, Bielefeld: 140-147.
Gómez, Liliana, «Entwerfen als Wissensorganisation. Kulturelle Transformationsprozesse im Spiegel der amerikanischen Architektur der 1950er und 60er Jahre», in: Ammon, Sabine, and Eva Maria Froschauer (eds.), Wissenschaft entwerfen. Wilhelm Fink, eikones-series, 2013, München: 74-99.
Gómez, Liliana, «The Urbanization of Society. Towards a Cultural Analysis of the Sacred in the Modern Metropolis», in: Gómez, Liliana, and Walter van Herck (eds.), The Sacred in the City. Continuum, 2012, London: 31-51.
Gómez, Liliana, «The Sacred in the City: Havana. Alejo Carpentier or 'Fieldwork' in the Urban», in: Gómez, Liliana, and Walter van Herck (eds.), The Sacred in the City. Continuum, 2012, London: 227-243.
Gómez, Liliana, «Un caso de archivo fotográfico: economía visual de la circulación de mercancías, cuerpos y memorias», in: Gómez, Liliana, and Gesine Müller (eds.), Relaciones caribeñas. Entrecruzamientos de dos siglos/Relations caribéennes. Entrecroisements de deux siècles. Peter Lang, 2011, Frankfurt am Main: 109-131.
Gómez, Liliana, «El discurso colonial en la iconografía cubana: Paisaje, urbanización y narrativas de lo rural del siglo XIX», in: Ette, Ottmar, and Gesine Müller (eds.), Koloniales Kaleidoskop: Die Karibik im Fokus kultureller Transferprozesse im 19. Jahrhundert. Iberoamericana, 2010, Madrid: 121-138.
Gómez, Liliana, «Lugares de memoria en el discurso de la nación moderna en Colombia. El Parque de la Independencia (1910) y el Parque Nacional Olaya Herrera (1934-1938) o la búsqueda de una representación nacional», in: Gómez, Liliana, and Sarah Gónzalez de Mojica, Carlos Rincón (eds.), Entre el olvido y el recuerdo. Iconos, lugares de memoria y cánones de la historia y la literatura en Colombia. Instituto Pensar, 2010, Bogotá: 305-339.
Gómez, Liliana, «O Caribe na virada do século 20 como laboratório da modernidade: Sobre enclaves urbano-agrários e a hinterland (trans)nacional». Revista Brasileira do Caribe, Brasilia, No. 19, 2009: 285-299.
Gómez, Liliana, «Cinco notas al margen de un debate ausente sobre la ciudad histórica o ¿La Habana soñando con el Traumhaus?», in: Nicolás Gualteros Trujillo (ed.), Itinerarios Urbanos. Paris, La Habana, Bogotá: Narraciones, Identidades y cartografías. 2006, Instituto Pensar, CEJA, 2006, Bogotá: 47-75.
«(In)visible subjects: flows, narratives and materialities of forced disappearance in Colombia», María Ordóñez Cruz, Universität Zürich
«Absent images: filmic, curatorial and institutional engagement with the unavailability of audiovisual heritage in the Middle East», Iris Fraueneder, Universität Zürich
«Materiality of the political violence in El Salvador and Guatemala: Rethinking memory, peace and justice in the post-conflict era», Clara Guardado, Universität Zürich
«Temporality in postwar Lebanese cinema», Joey Ayoub, Universität Zürich
«Latent memories in traumatic amnesia: re-inventing the past and mourning the other in the fiction of Lebanese novelist Rabee Jaber» (co-supervision), Dani Nassif, Graduiertenkolleg Literarische Form, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster