Professors employed under private law
Lecturers and Senior Teaching and Research Assistants
Academic Staff
- M.A. Giulia Beatrice (SNF-Doc, Early Modern Art History)
- Dr. Daniel Berndt (Postdoc assistant, Modern and Contemporary Art History)
- Dr. Saida Bondini (Postdoc, SNSF Project «From Destruction to Construction. Art making and Earthquake Hazards in Early-modern Italy»)
- Dr. Graziella Bozzini (Postdoc, SNF Project "Die Kirchen Roms")
- M.A. Simon Breitenmoser (Assistant, History of Medieval Art)
- Dr. Antonio De Caro (Postdoc, ERC-Project «GlobeCosal»)
- Dr. Teresa Ende (Postdoc, SNSF Project «Heinrich Wölfflin. Gesammelte Werke»)
- Dr. Elias Flatscher (Postdoc assistant, History of Medieval Art and Postclassical Archaeology)
- Dr. Nicolas Galley (Director of Studies, EMAMS)
- Dr. Christine Grundig (Doc, SNSF Doc.CH, Early Modern Art History)
- Dr. Iris Hutter (Academic associate, History of Medieval Art and Postclassical Archaeology)
- M.A. Nadine Jirka (Assistant, History of the Fine Arts)
- M.A. Dahi Jung (Assistant, East Asian Art History)
- Dr. Stella Jungmann (Postdoc, History of the Fine Arts)
- Dr. Christa Kamleithner (Postdoc, Architectural History)
- Dr. Dominique Laleg (Research assistant, Modern and Contemporary Art History)
- M.A. Isabelle Leemann (Assistant, East Asian Art History)
- M.A. Lydia Lymbourides (Doc, SNSF Project «Textures of Sacred Scripture»)
- M.A. Viviane Maeder (Research assistant, SNSF Project «Textures of Sacred Scripture»)
- Dr. Michael Matile (Research assistant, Early Modern Art History)
- Dr. Charlotte Matter (Postdoc assistant, Early Modern Art History)
- Dr. Fernanda Marinho (Postdoc, SNSF Marie Curie Postdoc, Early Modern Art History)
- Dr. Thomas Rainer (Research assistant, SNSF Project «Textures of Sacred Scripture»)
- M.A. Maria-Teresa De Rosa-Palmini (Research assistant, SNSF Ambizione Project)
- M.A. Rosa Sancarlo (Assistant, Modern and Contemporary Art History)
- Dr. Stephanie Santschi (Postdoc assistant, East Asian Art History)
- M.A. Sabrina Schmid (Doc, SNSF Project, History of Medieval Art)
- M.A. Jonas Schnydrig (Assistent, History of the Fine Arts)
- Dr. des. Katja Schröck (Assistant, History of Medieval Art and Postclassical Archaeology)
- Dr. des. Sophie Schweinfurth (Postdoc assistant, History of Medieval Art)
- Dr. Sabine Sommerer (Research assistant, SNSF Project "Die Kirchen Roms")
- M.A. Alva-Mathilda Speth (Assistant, East Asian Art History)
- Dr. Giovanna Targia (Research assistant, SNSF Project «Heinrich Wölfflin. Gesammelte Werke»)
- Dr. Jutta Teutenberg (Postdoc, SNSF Project «Heinrich Wölfflin. Gesammelte Werke»)
- M.A. Katharina Theil (Doc, SNSF Project «Textures of Sacred Scripture»)
- M.A. Laura Valterio (Assistant, Early Modern Art History)
- M.A. Linda Vogel (Research assistant, Early Modern Art History)
- Dr. Miriam Volmert (Research assistant, History of the Fine Arts)
- M.A. Laura Wagner (Assistent, Early Modern Art History, SNF-Ambizione-Project)
- M.A. Alessa Widmer (Doc, UZH-Candoc, History of the Fine Arts)