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Kunsthistorisches Institut

Activities in 2009


Workshop at the University of Lausanne on methodological questions with Dr. Hanns Hubach, Dr. Anna Rapp Buri and Dr. Monica Stucky-Schürer


Conclusion of the project at the University of Lausanne


Transfer and installation of the SNFS project at the University of Zurich

Four Panels at the Renaissance Society of America Conference in Los Angeles Towards an Iconology of the Textile

Seminar by M.A. Barbara Caen, lic. phil. Tabea Schindler and Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen at the University of Zurich on Funktion, Ikonografie, Medium. Das textile Bild vor 1520


Interview for the ERC Starting Grant


Project recommended for funding by the ERC for a Starting Grant

Paper by Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen at the Sixteenth Century Society Conference in Geneva on Silkworms vs. Spiders: New and Old Myths about the Origins of Textiles in Early Modern European Art


Installation of the project's mailing list


Seminar by M.A. Barbara Caen, lic. phil. Tabea Schindler and Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen at the University of Zurich on Das textile Bild im 16. Jahrhundert


Paper by M.A. Barbara Caen at the University of Zurich on Tapisseries au dix-neuvième siècle. Renaissances d'un medium historique

Presentation of the Textile Project at the University of Zurich Programm

Paper by Dr. Regula Schorta (Abegg-Stiftung, Riggisberg) at the University of Zurich on Textilien aus dem Welfenschatz


Paper by stud. phil. Agatha von Däniken at the University of Zurich on 'Majnun' von Ghada Amer

Paper by Dr. Hanns Hubach at the University of Zurich on Tapisserien als historische Beglaubigungsmedien im 15. und frühen 16. Jahrhundert

Paper by M. A. Britta Dümpelmann at the University of Zurich on Beweis - Spur - Hülle - Körperersatz. Zur Funktion des Grabtuchs im Osterbild


Paper by Prof. Dr. Barbara Baert (Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven) at the University of Zurich on Touching the Hem (Marc 5, 24-34). The Narrative, the Iconic and the Anthropological Space of Textile and Blood

Paper by Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen at the University of Zurich on Fabrikation des Fürsten: das textile Medium bei Raffael und Le Brun

Paper by Dr. Michael Peter (Abegg-Stiftung, Riggisberg) at the University of Zurich on Die Stoffe der Bilder. Textilien in der altniederländischen Malerei

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