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Kunsthistorisches Institut

Activities in 2008


Seminar by Dr. Tristan Weddigen at the Freie Universität Berlin on Textil: zur Ikonologie eines Mediums

Seminar by Dr. Tristan Weddigen at the Technische Universität Dresden on Textil: zur Ikonologie eines Mediums


Installation of the project at the University of Lausanne


Paper by Ass.-Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen at the University of Vienna on Ursprungsmythen des textilen Mediums in der frühen Neuzeit

Paper by Ass.-Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen at the University of Geneva on La trame de l’histoire: autoréflexion de l’image textile (Raphaël/Le Brun)


Appointment of lic. phil. Marco Costantini as Junior Researcher until February 2009


Seminar by Ass.-Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen at the University of Lausanne on Paragone, parallèle, querelle: le discours théorique, visuel et social de la comparaison depuis la Renaissance


Appointment of M. A. Barbara Caen as Assistant (SNSF)

Conference Kleidung im Bild. Zur Ikonologie dargestellter Gewandung at the Humboldt University in Berlin, chair by Ass.-Prof. Tristan Weddigen


Appointment of lic. phil. Tabea Schindler as Assistant (SNSF)

Application for an ERC Starting Grant

Paper by Ass.-Prof. Tristan Weddigen at the Renaissance-Kolloquium of the University of Leipzig on Die Fabrikation des Herrschers – Reflexionen über das textile Medium bei Raffael und Charles Le Brun


Workshop with dott. Maria Ludovica Rosati (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) on Esotismo e chinoiserie. Influenze estremo orientali nell’arte tessile italiana del Medioevo (XIII–XIV secolo)

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