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Kunsthistorisches Institut

Kunstgeschichte Ostasiens / East Asian Art History

The Chair in East Asian Art History at the Institute of Art History, University of Zurich is dedicated to the study of art and visual cultures of China, Japan and Korea, spanning from ancient to contemporary times.  

Established over five decades ago and standing as the sole chair dedicated to East Asian Art History in Switzerland, the Chair, rooted in both wide international academic networks and rich collections of East Asian art kept in the country, serves as an important research and education hub for East Asian art history in Switzerland and beyond.  

The Chair combines practical hands-on research and critical theory perspectives to investigate East Asian art objects, their production, reception and circulation (including transnational and global interactions), advocating for inclusive, diverse approaches to studying of artefacts from different cultures. These principles guide the Chair’s research as well as its pedagogy, which stresses research-based education.  

Balancing critical theory approaches with object-based practices, teaching is conducted in diverse formats including seminars, lectures, practical exercises, excursions and colloquia as well as workshops and conferences. Favoring inquiry-based learning, hands-on study, field trips and guest speakers, the aim is to foster curiosity and provide students a pathway to versatile intellectual and professional development, preparing them for careers both within and outside the art world.   

Prof. Dr. Ewa Machotka
Mitarbeitende / Team
Forschung / Research (Prof. Machotka)
KGOA Studium / Study program
Aktuelles / News
Zurich Lectures in East Asian Art History
Dissertationen und Abschlussarbeiten / Dissertations, MA and BA theses 
Archiv / Archive

Lehrstuhlinhaberin / Chair holder: Prof. Dr. Ewa Machotka

Prof. Machotka

Kontakt / Contact

Universität Zürich / University of Zurich  
Kunsthistorisches Institut / Institute of Art History  
Rämistr. 73  
CH-8006 Zürich  

Büro / Office: RAK 3-302  
Tel.: 044 634 28 33 (dir.)  
Tel.: +41 44 634 28 31 (Sekretariat)

Sprechstunde / Consultations

Fridays, 9:00–11:00, by appointment (

Zurich Lectures in East Asian Art History

The Zurich Lectures in East Asian Art History bring distinguished scholars in the field to the University of Zurich to deliver public lectures that explore current topics and research approaches in the study of art and visual culture of China, Japan, and Korea. Established with the goal of mapping innovative research in East Asian Art History, the Lectures aim to stimulate academic debate, expand the learning horizons of Zurich students, and foster a meaningful dialogue between academia and the broader public.

The lectures are hosted by the Chair in East Asian Art History at the University of Zurich. Established over five decades ago as the sole chair dedicated to the research and study of East Asian Art in Switzerland, and supported by the diverse collections and exhibitions of East Asian Art accessible locally, the Chair serves as an important knowledge hub for East Asian art history in Switzerland and beyond.

The Zurich Lectures in East Asian Art History continue the legacy of the Chair in East Asian Art History at the University of Zurich and honor the rich collections and history of the Swiss engagement with East Asian Art.

More Information

Aktuelles / News

  • Zurich Lectures in East Asian Art History

    Rethinking Sacred Space: A Case Study of Late Chosŏn Buddhist Temples
    Prof. Dr. Maya Stiller
    (University of Kansas)

    Thursday, November 7, 2024, 18:15–19:30
    University of Zurich, Rämistrasse 71,
    8006 Zürich
    Room KOL-H-317
  • Professor Dr. Sarah E. Fraser Teaches Lecture Course

    The Chair of East Asian Art History is pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Sarah E. Fraser (University of Heidelberg) as an external instructor for the fall semester 2024. Professor Fraser will offer the lecture course "Chinese Painting in the 20th Century: Activism, Politics, and Art."

    The course will meet online on Wednesdays, 10:15-12:00 via Zoom, beginning September 18, 2024. Pre-registration is required.

    A public lecture on experimental ink art and its origins in contemporary art of the 1980s and 1990s will take place on December 11, 2024.


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Bei allgemeinen Fragen bezüglich des Studiums, kann man eine Terminanfrage per E-Mail an die KGOA Assistierenden senden. Dabei sollte eine kurze Anmerkung zur Frage/Anliegen gemacht werden.

For general questions related to your studies, you can request an appointment by sending an e-mail to the KGOA assistants. Please include a brief comment on the matter for discussion in your message. 

Kontakt / Contact

Universität Zürich
Kunsthistorisches Institut
Abteilung Kunstgeschichte Ostasiens
Rämistrasse 73
8006 Zürich

Tel: +41 (0)44 634 45 95 / +41 (0)44 634 59 44

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